Animal Set Deluxe Elephant. Embark on a majestic adventure with the Elephant Animal Mask and Tail Set by Little Safari! This enchanting set allows children to transform into gentle giants, exploring the vast savannas of their imagination. The mask features intricate details for a realistic look, while the matching tail adds an extra element of fun. Made from high-quality materials, this set is durable and comfortable for hours of play. Spark curiosity about wildlife and inspire a love for nature with the Little Safari – Elephant Animal Mask and Tail Set!
3 in stock
Animal Set Deluxe Elephant
SKU: MA0130
Animal Set Deluxe Elephant. Embark on a majestic adventure with the Elephant Animal Mask and Tail Set by Little Safari! This enchanting set allows children to transform into gentle giants, exploring the vast savannas of their imagination. The mask features intricate details for a realistic look, while the matching tail adds an extra element of fun. Made from high-quality materials, this set is durable and comfortable for hours of play. Spark curiosity about wildlife and inspire a love for nature with the Little Safari – Elephant Animal Mask and Tail Set!
3 in stock
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