This enchanting Pink and Gold Princess costume features a delightful pink dress that exudes charm and elegance, perfect for any special occasion or Book
Week parade. Available from Costume Wonderland, the dress is complemented by a stunning gold tiara, adding a touch of royalty to the ensemble. Crafted with attention to detail, this outfit is designed for comfort and style, making it an ideal choice for young girls who love to shine.
Pink and Gold Princess
SKU: 1005696
This enchanting Pink and Gold Princess costume features a delightful pink dress that exudes charm and elegance, perfect for any special occasion or Book
Week parade. Available from Costume Wonderland, the dress is complemented by a stunning gold tiara, adding a touch of royalty to the ensemble. Crafted with attention to detail, this outfit is designed for comfort and style, making it an ideal choice for young girls who love to shine.
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